
Dine with Us

We partner with a private chef who can cater meals for our guests. This includes private dinners, general catering for events, and more.

Horse Rides

We are the exclusive booking partner for city horse rides with indigenous equestrian and local icon, Sam Grey Horse. He offers beautiful scenic horse rides through Austin, including downtown!

Paddle Boards

Two paddle boards are available at each property for guests, included with your stay. These can be used to enjoy the river and Ladybird Lake.

In-house Massage

We partner with a well-known local massage therapist and would be happy to arrange an in-house treatment during your stay.

Partner Restaurants

We partner with select local restaurants to offer priority reservation placement, exclusive deals and discounts, and more.

Stay Active

We are a proud partner of local fitness center, Athletic Outcomes, and are proud to be able to offer our guests exclusive class discounts during your stay.